How Long To Keep In Earrings After Piercing?

You should keep your earrings in for at least 8 weeks.

When you get your ears pierced, it is important to know how long to keep your earrings in. The general rule is to leave your earrings in for six to eight weeks, but this may vary depending on your piercing location. For example, if you get your cartilage pierced, it may take longer to heal than if you get your lobes pierced.

If you are unsure about how long to keep your earrings in, it is best to ask your piercer or consult with a medical professional. It is also important to clean your piercing regularly, using a sterile saline solution or mild soap and water. This will help to prevent infection and promote healing.

How Long Do You Have To Wait To Change Your Earrings After Getting Them Pierced?

You should wait at least 6 weeks to change your earrings after getting them pierced.

How Long Do You Have To Wait To Change Your Earrings After Getting Them Pierced?
If you’re wondering how long to wait to change your earrings after getting them pierced, the answer is at least 6 weeks. This is because it takes that long for the piercing to fully heal. After 6 weeks, you can change your earrings to whatever you want! Just make sure to clean them first.

If you’re in a hurry to change your earrings, you can always opt for clip-on earrings. These are a great option if you’re looking for something temporary. Clip-on earrings don’t require a piercing, so you can put them on and take them off whenever you want!

How Often Should You Clean Your Piercings And Earrings?

You should clean your piercings and earrings daily.
If you have a new piercing, you should clean it 2-3 times a day with a saline solution until it is healed. After that, you should clean it once a day. If you are using pierced earrings, you should clean them once a week.

Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your piercing:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Mix a saline solution (1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water).

3. Soak a cotton ball in the saline solution.

4. Gently clean the piercing with the cotton ball.

5. Rinse the piercing with clean water.

6. Dry the piercing with a clean towel.

7. Apply a small amount of piercing aftercare ointment to the piercing (optional).

What Are Some Signs That Your Piercing Is Healing Properly?

Some signs that your piercing is healing properly are that the area around the piercing is not red or swollen, there is no discharge or pus coming from the piercing, and the piercing is not painful.
If you’ve recently had a piercing, congratulations! You’re on your way to having a beautiful new piece of jewelry. But before you can show it off to the world, you need to make sure it heals properly. Here are some signs that your piercing is healing properly:

1. The area around your piercing is clean and free of discharge.

2. You’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort around your piercing.

3. The tissue around your piercing is pink and healthy-looking.

4. Your piercing is not bleeding or oozing any fluids.

If you’re noticing any of these signs, congratulations! Your piercing is healing beautifully. Just remember to keep up with the aftercare (clean your piercing twice a day with a mild soap and sea salt solution) and you’ll be sporting your new piece of jewelry in no time.

How Do You Know If Your Piercing Is Infected?

If you have any discharge other than clear fluids, increasing pain, redness or swelling around the piercing, then it is likely infected.
If you have any piercing, it’s important to know how to spot an infection. Here are a few signs:

1. The area around your piercing is red, swollen, or both.

2. You have a fever.

3. You notice pus or discharge coming from the piercing.

4. The area around your piercing is warm to the touch.

5. You have general feelings of malaise, such as fatigue or body aches.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. An infection can quickly become serious if it’s not treated properly.


What Are Some Things You Can Do To Speed Up The Healing Process?

There are many things you can do to speed up the healing process. Some of these include:

1. Get plenty of rest. When your body is tired, it needs time to heal.

2. Eat healthy foods. Eating nutritious foods helps your body to heal faster.

3. Exercise. Exercise helps to circulate the blood and speeds up the healing process.

4. Apply heat or cold. Applying heat or cold to an injury can help to reduce swelling and pain.

5. Use over-the-counter medications. Taking pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications can help to reduce pain and swelling.

How Long Does It Usually Take For An Ear Piercing To Heal?

It usually takes around 6 to 8 weeks for an ear piercing to heal. However, this can vary depending on the individual. Some people may experience a longer healing time, while others may heal more quickly.

Is There Anything You Should Avoid Doing While Your Piercing Is Healing?

Yes, there are things you should avoid doing while your piercing is healing. These include:

-Don’t touch your piercing with dirty hands

-Don’t remove your piercing jewelry

-Don’t expose your piercing to dirt, dust, or other contaminants

-Don’t let anyone else touch your piercing

-Don’t let your piercing come into contact with bodily fluids

-Don’t put any creams, lotions, or ointments on your piercing

-Don’t swim or immerse your piercing in water

What Are Some Things You Can Do To Make Sure Your Piercing Doesn’t Get Infected?

There are several things you can do to avoid infection:

-Clean the piercing site regularly with a mild soap and warm water.

-Avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands.

-Avoid exposing the piercing to excessive moisture (showering, swimming, etc.).

-Wear clean, loose-fitting clothing that doesn’t irritate the piercing.

-If you experience any redness, swelling, or discharge, consult a piercing professional or your doctor.


The answer to this question depends on the person’s individual healing process. For some people, it may only take a few weeks for their piercing to heal completely, while others may take a few months. It is important to listen to your body and consult with a professional piercer if you have any questions or concerns about your healing process.

If you have any questions about how long to keep your earrings in after you get them pierced, feel free to leave a comment below.

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